List of Intrigues

Advertise Intrigue + Domain name:
Increase the Domains Herd by 1.
A Domain can never have more Herd than 5. 

Major chance of success.
Moderate chance of leaving Evidence.
By using the Assassinate Intrigue you can either Murder or Extraction.

Assassinate Intrigue + Blood Servant name or human Connection name:
You can kill the target before they get to do any Intrigue. Killing Important Blood Servants with I Do It Myself! does not breach the Masquerade.
Moderate chance of success.
Major chance of leaving Evidence of a missing persons case.
Murder cannot be used Instantly with I Do It Myself!

Assassinate Intrigue + Character name + Blood Servant or human Connection name:
You can save the target from being a Captured Mortal from that Character.
Moderate chance of success.
Major chance of leaving Evidence.
Desperate Feed
Go into the Storytellers Room to regain all of your Blood Points.

This Intrigue will succeed.
The Intrigue will leave Evidence.
Discredit Intrigue + Masquerade Marker + Clan Marker:
Choose a Masquerade Marker, it will be turned into a Clan Marker of your choice.

Moderate chance of success.
Major chance of leaving Evidence.
Frame Intrigue + Clan Name:
You breach the Masquerade and frame a specific Clan for it, creating a Clan Marker matching that Clan.

Moderate Chance of Success.
Major Chance of leaving Evidence.
By using the Investigate Intrigue you can either Investigate Evidence numbers, Organizations or Artifacts.

Investigate Evidence
Investigate up two Evidence numbers, then for each success you get an automatic chance at the next step, potentially solving the entire case in one month. The success chance is the same throughout, so I Do It Myself! automatically solves the case.
You can always Investigate each Step without requiring any prior Step.
Major chance of success.
Minor chance of leaving Evidence.

Step 1 – Investigate Crime Scene
Investigate + Evidence number
You get the name of the Organization involved if any.

Step 2 – Follow the Clues
Investigate + Evidence number + Organization/Clan name
You get the name of the culprit, usually a Blood Servant (or Character if they did I Do It Myself!)

Step 3 – Stalk Suspect
Investigation + Blood Servant Name
You get the name of the Blood Servants Owner and if they are a Spy and for whom.

Investigate Organization
Investigate + Organization name
You get the name of every Blood Servant in that Organization.

Investigate Artifacts
Investigate + Component type
You get the name of every Character who holds a Component of that type or every Character who wields a Component and how many of each if used with I Do It Myself!
Investigate Artifacts cannot be used Instantly with I Do It Myself!
By using the Kidnap Intrigue you can either Capture or Torture a mortal.

Kidnap Intrigue + name of Blood Servant, human Connection or Clan Organization:
The target becomes your Captured Mortal. If you use Clan Organization you capture a random Blood Servant from that Organization instead. Capturing Important Blood Servants with I Do It Myself! does not breach the Masquerade.
Moderate chance of success.
Major chance of leaving Evidence of a missing persons case.
Capture cannot be used Instantly with I Do It Myself!

Kidnap Intrigue + name of one of your Captured Mortals:
You can gain one Secret and one Connection from one of your Captured Mortals, based on whom they are connected to. If they have no apparent connections except Clan you gain information on a random Clan Member.
You also know if they are Spy and for whom.
Moderate chance of success.
Does not leave Evidence.
Minor chance of mortal dying, unless using I Do It Myself!
Real Estate
Real Estate Intrigue + Domain name + any amount of Blood Points + any number of Blood Servants:
You can seize a Neutral Domain if you spend the most Blood Points and/or Blood Servants on this Intrigue. Any other Character can also pool their resources with you if they also do the Real Estate Intrigue.

Major chance of success.
You will not leave Evidence.
Real Estate cannot be used Instantly with I Do It Myself!
Rumors Intrigue + false Secret:
You can create a false Secret or Connection about a Character, a Character can only have 1 false Secret or Connection at a time. Whenever someone would get a Secret or Connection from a Character there is a Major chance that they will get the false Secret or Connection instead.
If used with I Do It Myself! The false Secret or Connection will enter play next Session regardless if someone is trying to get a Secret or Connection from that Character.

Major chance of success.
Moderate chance of leaving Evidence.
Rumors cannot be used Instantly with I Do It Myself!
Scapegoat Intrigue + Masquerade Marker:
Choose a Masquerade Marker, it will be removed.

Major chance of success.
Moderate chance of leaving Evidence.
I Do It Myself! + Blood Servant name or human Connection name:
You either gain ownership over the Blood Servant along with a Secret or Connection from its former Owner, or you Capture the Blood Servant or human Connection along with a Secret or Connection from its Owner.

Can only be used with I Do It Myself! in the Storytellers Room and you must have at least a level in Devotion to use this Intrigue.

This Intrigue will succeed.
This Intrigue will leave Evidence of a missing persons case.
Seduce cannot be used Instantly with I Do It Myself!
Slander Intrigue + Domain name:
Reduce the Domains Herd by 1.
A Domain can never have less than 0 Herd.

Major chance of success.
Moderate chance of leaving Evidence.
Steal Components
Steal Components Intrigue + Character name:
You steal one random non-Trivial Component that the Character had. If used with I Do It Myself! you always steal the highest Component possible instead.
Major chance of success.
Moderate chance of leaving Evidence.

Search and Steal
Steal Components Intrigue + Investigate Intrigue + Clan + Component type:
You learn of every Character who holds a Component of that type, and if one or more Characters from the chosen Clan has such a Component you steal one of them at random.
Moderate chance of success.
Major chance of leaving Evidence.

Steal Components cannot be used Instantly with I Do It Myself!

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