Flaws & Convictions


“I can’t lose?! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!!!” -Another dead Vampire

Flaws are gained through Character Creation. You can never choose a Flaw you already have.

Anachronistic(60+ age)
It’s simply tiring to keep up.

You cannot use I Do It Myself! except for Desperate Feed.
Black Sheep
The fact that you show up makes it a worse night for people.

You start the game with the lowest Status and a good public reason for why.
Blind Faith
Your devout loyalty has made you susceptible to the most vicious influences.

When you become Blood Bonded, the bond begins one step stronger or is raised by an additional step. You can never gain the Merit “Self-Determination” and should you gain Blind Faith permanently during the larp, you will lose the Merit and gain your Experience back.
Blood Addict
Some people find the comfort of vampiric blood addicting, for you it’s become a constant source of safety, firmly believing their loyalty would be rewarded.

You’re addicted to Vampire blood, it works in many ways like being addicted to Diablerie.
Burdened with Age(Elder)
You have simply lost touch to many times, you are done trying.

You can’t use Blood Servants for Intrigues, you can’t Collect Components or gain Blood Points at Checkin.
Sacrifice is no good for the ego.

If someone bad mouths a friend of yours, you are quick to anger.
You will always protect your friends if they are about to get hurt.
“We’re all sane here.”

Choose or create a Conviction your Character now possesses.
Diablerie Addict
I have committed a great sin, and now I want to do it again, to feel the rush of pure power in my veins.

Gain a Level in a Discipline from any Clan. This Flaw must also be one of your Secrets. You’re addicted to committing Diablerie.
From Hell
You’ve seen things and are not better from it. 

The curse of ambition stalks you, even when you sleep. Past trauma’s keep haunting you, either supernaturally or simply mentally.
At Checkin receive your a prombt for your From Hell, this prombt will be based on your background.
You aren’t truly meant for this eternal affair called vampirism. 

Add -1 to a Road.
If you reach 0 in a Road you gain one of the following:
Inadequate Potency – You show little confidence or bravery, direct action might worry or frighten you.
Inadequate Influence – You show a naivety to the machinations of this world, backstabbing is something that’s done literally.
Inadequate Occultism – You only know how your own Clan works, but nothing of the other Clans, titles might confuse you or you forget their names.
Your Clan believes you don’t truly belong.

Make no positive relations within your Clan from the start. And inform your Clan of this flaw so they can treat you like the outsider you are.
“What did you just say to me?”

You can’t back down from a fight, you only stop once the one you fight doesn’t wanna fight no more.
You were always naturally ambitious, becoming a vampire turned you truly into a monster. 

You always count your Sanity as 1 lower to a minimum of 1.
Suffering just brings a meaning to your afterlife.

You are sadistic, this can unfold in several ways, here are some examples:
If you gain the opportunity to Blood Bond someone against their will, you will try to do it.
Making people sad gives you feeling of power and you can’t help but bully the downtrodden.
Torture comes easy to you, as if its not a means to an end except happiness.
Listen to your inner demons.

Choose a Sin, the less Sanity you have, the more you are afflicted by your Sin as if it were your Ambition.

Lust – You want something you don’t have.
Gluttony – You want to use something you do have.
Greed – You want more of something you have.
Sloth – If you do not want to do it, you don’t do it.
Wrath – You want to hurt someone because of something.
Envy – You want something someone else has.
Pride – An accident is treated as a personal attack and a compliment is treated much more favourably.
Strange Taste(Non-Ghoul)
There is just something about their blood, trust me!

You are blood addicted to Ghoul blood, drinking undiluted blood from mages also makes you become Blood Bonded as if they were Vampires.
The undying life has taken its final toll on you, you function extremely poorly in the modern world.

At each Checkin after you rolled for Sanity loss, if you have Sanity 3 or less, you breach the Masquerade.
Web of Lies
Its hard to keep track of all you’ve said and done.

Create 2 additional Secrets.
They are unto you.

A Nephilim knows half of your Secrets and Connections, rounded up.
Imperial Records(Dracul)
They know who you are.

One of your Secrets and Connections is known to the Dracul Empire.
You weren’t made for war against your kin.

If you and another Agamemnon are tied in a Challenge, they will win instead. If both Characters possess this Flaw, continue as normal.
Shadow Marked(Nephilim or Ritual Path at level 3)
Something is watching.

You have a weakness towards the darkness, avoid it or risk your life.
If you ever reach 1 Sanity, go the Storytellers Room.
Your body just can’t function on souls.

Your body is degrading and causing the outer layers to rot, you lose sense of smell and taste, if you use I Do It Myself! You breach the Masquerade twice. Your Character looks more and more like a zombie and you need makeup to make you look like so. 


“I am the next evolutionary step.”

Convictions come from the Flaw “Deranged”.

Convictions are what happens when Vampires start having viewpoints based on their existence as Vampires. Living as cannibals for over hundreds of years creates self delusional and self righteous Convictions.

Below are some examples of Convictions you can choose from, you can always make your own if you so desire, just go see the Storyteller.

Purist Convictions

Purist Convictions is about the exemption of specific things that will bring a better afterlife.

Example: I must remove some of my humanity from my life to truly live.

Hedonist Convictions

Hedonist Convictions is about the inclusion of specific things that will bring a better afterlife.

Example: I must experience all the exquisite things that life has to offer.

Fanatical Convictions

Fanatical Convictions is about the belief in specific things that will bring a better afterlife.

Example: I must purge the nonbelievers in order to bring about judgment day.

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