
The first mages didn’t focus on loyalty, simply to gain power. The second mages however had a different leaning, and when they turned towards immortality and vampirism the idea went to inspire one of the simplest yet most corrupting of Powers. Devotion cannot really be stopped nor noticed by its victim, though it always leaves the victims with a feeling of unease. Belonging to Clan Chupacabra and Nephilim.

Seduction: You can use the Seduce Intrigue with I Do It Myself! if you have at least 1 level in Devotion. This is an Enhancement.

Level 1

Gaslighting was invented by people using torches.
Type: Manipulation

Choose another Character, they forget the last ten seconds, including this and other Manipulations

Level 2

For some loyalty is perhaps the most hard earned currency in the Undying Society, yet for others it’s acquired without a sweat.
Type: Manipulation

Choose another Character, they will become Blood Bonded 1 to you for 30 minutes.

Level 3

Insidious power is what Devotion is all about, but this Gift takes it to a whole new playing field. If used correctly this power can truly be dangerous.
Type: Enhancement

You can make any Manipulation that lasts for 30 minutes, to instead last the rest of the evening instead by spending Blood Points equal to the level of the Manipulation.

Level 4

We’re all friends here.
Type: Manipulation

Choose another Character whose Blood Bonded to you, they are now also Blood Bonded 1 to someone else of your choice for 30 minutes.

Level 5

This Discipline manipulates the bond of blood within an individual, strengthening it momentarily. A deadly way to sway those bonded into agreement.
Type: Manipulation

Choose another Character, their Blood Bonds increase by 1 for 30 minutes. 

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